How to Find and Qualify Niche and Rising Keywords

Finding and qualifying niche and rising keywords can help you target the right audience and grow your online presence. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

1. Understand Your Niche

  • What is a niche? A niche is a focused area of your industry. For example, if you help skinny people gain weight, that’s your niche.
  • Identify your audience: Think about who you’re targeting—what are their problems, interests, and needs?

2. Use Keyword Research Tools

  • Tools to use: Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or Answer the Public. These tools give you ideas for keywords and show how often people search for them.
  • Enter your main topic: Type in your niche or related words (e.g., “gain weight for skinny people”) and see the list of suggested keywords.

3. Look for Low Competition Keywords

  • What are low competition keywords? These are keywords that not many websites are targeting, so it’s easier to rank higher for them.
  • How to find them: In the tools, look for keywords with a decent number of searches (but not too high) and lower competition. These are called “long-tail keywords” (e.g., “best protein shakes for skinny people”).

4. Identify Rising Keywords

  • What are rising keywords? These are keywords that are becoming more popular but aren’t super competitive yet.
  • Google Trends: Go to Google Trends and type in your keywords to see if their search volume is increasing. Focus on terms that show a steady rise.

5. Check the Intent Behind the Keywords

  • Why check intent? It’s important to understand why people are searching for a keyword. Are they looking to learn, buy, or get advice?
  • How to do it: Search your keyword on Google. Look at the results—are they blogs, products, or tutorials? This tells you what kind of content works best.

6. Analyze Competitors

  • Look at what others are doing: Use tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to check which keywords your competitors rank for. This can give you ideas for which keywords are worth targeting.
  • Focus on gaps: Find keywords that your competitors are not focusing on or where they have weak content. You can target these for easier ranking.

7. Test Your Keywords

  • Start using them: After selecting keywords, use them in your content (like blogs, YouTube titles, or Instagram posts).
  • Monitor performance: Track which keywords bring in more traffic or engagement and adjust as needed.

By focusing on low-competition, rising keywords that match your niche, you’ll increase your chances of reaching the right audience!

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